Chapter | | Page |
| Section One: Introduction to Long-Term Survival | |
1 | The Unique Challenges of a Long-Term Survival Event | 1 |
2 | 20 Common Mistakes That Should Be Avoided | 9 |
3 | Sensationalism and Fear | 13 |
4 | Practical Self-Sufficiency | 17 |
5 | A Simple But Practical Survival Plan | 19 |
6 | How to Start Preparing for Your Long-Term Survival | 25 |
7 | Trade and Barter Items | 35 |
| Section Two: Water Basics | |
8 | Introduction to Water | 37 |
9 | Water Storage Containers | 41 |
10 | Where to Find More Water | 45 |
11 | Rainwater | 49 |
12 | Well Water | 52 |
13 | How to Remove Water from a Well without a Pump | 55 |
14 | Solar Still | 85 |
15 | How to Remove Pathogens from Water | 87 |
16 | Pasteurization of Water | 91 |
17 | Boiled Water | 93 |
18 | Distilled Water | 95 |
19 | Water Filters | 100 |
20 | How to Build a Water Filter System | 111 |
21 | Free Hot Water | 113 |
22 | Washing Your Hands, Body, Dishes, and Laundry | 115 |
| Section Three: Food Basics | |
23 | Basic Nutritional Information | 117 |
24 | Food Safety | 121 |
25 | Food Shelf Life Studies | 125 |
26 | Food Acquisition and Food Storage | 126 |
27 | Several Options for an Emergency Food Supply | 139 |
28 | Introduction to Food Preservation | 151 |
29 | Freeze Dried and Dehydrated Food | 153 |
30 | Beans: An Important Survival Food | 157 |
31 | Wheat Berries, Dry Corn Kernels, and Oats | 167 |
32 | Salt, Black Pepper, Seasonings, and Spices | 171 |
33 | Hand-Operated Grinders for Salt, Pepper, Grains, & Meat | 175 |
34 | Coffee, Coffee Makers, and Coffee Bean Grinders | 181 |
35 | Edible Wild Plants and Nuts, and Wild Plants to Avoid | 185 |
| Section Four: Domestic Animals | |
36 | Pets | 189 |
37 | Farm Animals | 191 |
| Section Five: Hunting, Trapping, and Fishing | |
38 | Hunting Suggestions and Rifle Recommendations | 197 |
39 | Hunting with a Bow and Arrows | 205 |
40 | How to Use Traps and Snares | 221 |
41 | How to Render Animal Fat | 231 |
42 | Fishing Information, Methods, and Gillnets | 235 |
| Section Six: Clothing and Shoes | |
43 | Clothing | 253 |
44 | Shoes and Boots | 265 |
| Section Seven: Emergency First Aid and Home Remedies | |
45 | Emergency First Aid | 269 |
46 | Insect Stings, Ticks, Chiggers, and Skunk Deodorizer | 273 |
47 | Head Lice | 275 |
48 | Herbal Remedies | 283 |
49 | Colloidal Silver | 287 |
50 | Aspirin | 289 |
51 | Shelf Life Studies on Medicine | 295 |
| Section Eight: Personal Hygiene | |
52 | Personal Hygiene Items | 297 |
53 | Normal Bowel Movements and Wiping | 301 |
54 | A One-Year Supply of Toilet Tissue | 305 |
55 | How to Wipe Without Toilet Tissue | 311 |
56 | Portable Temporary Toilets | 315 |
57 | Human Waste Disposal and Latrines | 327 |
| Section Nine: Shelter | |
58 | Air Quality and Air Filters | 335 |
59 | Nuclear Fallout, Radiation, and Geiger Counters | 339 |
60 | Practical Home Security | 351 |
61 | How to Realistically Evaluate Your Current Location | 357 |
62 | How to Realistically Evaluate a Potential Future Location | 359 |
63 | Tents | 369 |
64 | Tarps | 373 |
65 | Recreational Vehicles and Campers | 375 |
66 | How to Build a Practical Temporary Shelter | 381 |
67 | Grandpappy's Wilderness Cabin Cave | 393 |
| Section Ten: Technology | |
68 | Rechargeable Batteries and a Solar Battery Charger | 409 |
69 | Flashlights | 415 |
70 | Vacuum Sealer for Food, Clothing, and Supplies | 419 |
71 | Cell Phones and Satellite Phones | 421 |
72 | Cell Phone Dependency | 423 |
73 | The Four Types of Radios | 427 |
74 | Solar Power | 433 |
75 | Hybrid Energy Systems | 441 |
| Section Eleven: Basic Skills, Tools, and Equipment | |
76 | The Importance of Fire | 449 |
77 | Fire Ignition Methods | 453 |
78 | Dutch Ovens, Camp Ovens, and Reflector Ovens | 473 |
79 | How to Wash Laundry by Hand | 481 |
80 | How to Make a Practical Clothes Washing Agitator | 497 |
81 | Grandpappy's Homemade Soap Recipe | 503 |
82 | Homemade Candles | 521 |
83 | Primitive Clay Pottery | 525 |
84 | Primitive Clay Bricks and Primitive Mortar | 532 |
85 | Basic Hand Tools | 536 |
86 | Sundials | 539 |
87 | Bicycles: Foot Pedaled, Gasoline Engine, Electric Motor | 541 |
| Section Twelve: Self-Defense and Weapons | |
88 | Self-Defense and Hand-to-Hand Combat | 559 |
89 | Firearm Safety Rules | 573 |
90 | Firearm Selection Criteria | 577 |
91 | Firearm Cleaning and Maintenance | 597 |
92 | Affordable Gun Cleaning Solvent and Oil | 601 |
| Section Thirteen: Wilderness Survival | |
93 | The Three Most Important Wilderness Survival Items | 603 |
94 | Compass Instructions and Alternatives | 606 |
95 | A Simple Explanation of the GPS Coordinate System | 613 |
96 | How to Follow a Scent Trail | 617 |
| Section Fourteen: Community and Family Issues | |
97 | Giving Charity During a Long-term Survival Event | 623 |
98 | Receiving Charity During a Long-term Survival Event | 627 |
99 | Community Involvement and Long-Term Survival | 629 |
100 | Entertainment Options for Your Family | 633 |
| Section Fifteen: Spiritual Issues | |
101 | Prayer and Long-Term Survival | 635 |
102 | The Way to Heaven | 637 |
103 | The Holy Bible | 649 |
104 | History of the Holy Bible | 653 |
105 | The Seven Year Tribulation and the Rapture | 663 |
| Index | 689 |
| About the Author | 694 |